Hidden Camera Catches The Latest Scam That Is Happening In Grocery Stores Around The Country

Hidden Camera Captures New Grocery Store Scam Targeting Shoppers

Scammers are constantly finding new ways to steal money and commit identity theft, leaving innocent people frustrated and vulnerable. Recently, a security camera footage revealed how criminals can steal credit card information without needing the physical card. Now, there’s a new scam happening in grocery stores across the country.

In closed-circuit security footage, a scammer is seen approaching a female shopper and attempting to steal from her. This scam can be prevented if people remain aware and practice situational awareness. Security experts are urging the public to be vigilant and protect themselves from this alarming trend.

Inside Edition conducted an investigative report to uncover the truth behind the rising trend of purse-snatching. It was revealed that these thieves work in pairs, increasing the likelihood of a successful theft. The video report shows two scammers approaching a woman shopping for produce in a grocery store, successfully stealing her wallet without her knowledge.

To shed light on this issue and provide protection tips, Inside Edition partnered with security consultant Bill Stanton. Stanton emphasized the speed at which these thefts occur, with victims often unaware until it’s too late. Leaving your wallet or purse unattended in a grocery cart puts you at risk, regardless of your location.

Viewers responded to the video, with Shelly O. suggesting precautions such as keeping your purse in front of you, tying it with a child belt, and carrying pepper spray. The key to protecting yourself from purse-snatchers is being prepared, keeping your belongings in sight, and staying aware of your surroundings.