Mom Is Outraged After Restaurant Added $50 “Bad Parent” Surcharge

A visit to Toccoa River Restaurant in Blue Ridge, Georgia, turned sour for Lyndsey and Kyle Landmann and their children. The couple, dining with their kids and other families, were hit with a $50 ‘bad parent’ surcharge due to their children’s alleged disruptive behavior. Kyle Landmann expressed his dismay, saying, “The owner came out and told me he was adding $50 to my bill because of my children’s behavior.” The parents insist their kids were well-behaved.

This incident has ignited a debate on the responsibilities of restaurant owners and patrons regarding children’s behavior in public places. Some say parents should manage their kids, while others argue for family-friendly environments. Toccoa River Restaurant’s owner, Tim Richter, defended the surcharge, stating the kids were too loud and unruly.

This event also highlights the lack of explicit policies for children’s behavior in restaurants. Some support the owner’s decision, while others find it excessive and unfair. It raises broader questions about parents’ rights to enjoy dining with their kids without unexpected charges. Clear communication and child-friendly policies are crucial to prevent such disputes in the future, balancing the dining experience for all patrons and accommodating families with children.