Denzel Washington Credits Success and Strong Marriage to Wife Paulette

Denzel Washington attributes his success and lasting marriage to wife Paulette, praising her personality. He acknowledges her impact, emphasizing their enduring connection.

Denzel Washington, the renowned Hollywood actor, attributes his enduring success and strong marriage to his wife Pauletta. Despite the challenges of fame, the couple has thrived, with Washington praising Pauletta’s personality and highlighting the key to their marital happiness.

Washington, known for his acting prowess in films like “The Equalizer” and “Training Day,” met Pauletta on the set of “Wilma” in 1977. Their relationship faced initial challenges, with Washington proposing three times before Pauletta finally said “yes” in 1983. Since then, their love has flourished, resulting in a family of four children.

While Washington’s career soared, Pauletta made sacrifices by giving up her Broadway career to focus on family. She emphasized the importance of sacrifice in maintaining a successful marriage, highlighting that fame may not last, but family does.

Washington, who could have pursued a flashy lifestyle, revealed the secret to their lasting marriage: not giving up on each other. Despite the temptations of wealth and glamour, he chose fidelity, prioritizing his relationship with Pauletta over material pursuits.