Girls Basketball Team Forfeits Playoff Game Instead Of Playing Against Biological Male

Vermont Christian School Forfeits Basketball Game Over Transgender Player

The Mid Vermont Christian School’s girls’ basketball team forfeited a playoff game against Long Trail Mountain Lions, which had a transgender player. Despite Vermont allowing such participation, MVCS cited fairness and safety concerns. Head of School Vicky Fogg emphasized the impact on the game’s integrity, stating, “Allowing biological males to participate in women’s sports sets a bad precedent for the future of women’s sports.”

Lauren Thomas from the Vermont Principal’s Association acknowledged the growing issue but noted it was the first forfeiture, saying, “We just supported our stance and our best practices through our inclusivity statement.” This incident echoes MVCS’s past clashes with state policies. The school previously asserted its right to uphold Christian beliefs, refusing to follow certain curriculum mandates.

Aaron Warner, Vermont Daily Chronicle, criticized the fairness of the match, highlighting the biological male player’s physical advantages. Warner questioned the fairness of a player taller, with superior jumping ability and strength, blocking shots against girls. The MVCS case underscores the ongoing debate about transgender participation in women’s sports and its impact on fairness.