Unemployed dad with face tattoo rejects 45 job offers since going viral with desperate work plea

“Teen Father with Face Tattoo Turns Down 45 Job Offers Despite Viral Plea”

Mark Cropp, a 19-year-old father from New Zealand with a ‘DEVAST8’ tattoo on his face, gained attention after his desperate online plea for employment. Despite receiving 45 job offers, he remains unemployed, waiting for the right opportunity. Cropp, who went viral on social media, expressed frustration about job rejections due to his facial tattoos, aiming to overcome his criminal past.

Cropp, nicknamed DEVAST8, shared that he plans to remove the tattoo, created during his time in jail using a homemade gun. He admitted his mistake, acknowledging that people shouldn’t be judged solely based on facial tattoos. While his partner supports the decision to remove the tattoo, Cropp values the ink as a connection to his brother. He hopes to become a positive influence for his family and is considering laser therapy for the tattoo removal.

Despite initial challenges, Cropp remains optimistic about securing the right job and leaving behind the “devastating” chapters of his life.