Alfonso Ribeiro, known for his role in ‘Fresh Prince,’ shares a heartbreaking picture of his daughter just one day before her fourth birthday

Fresh Prince star Alfonso Ribeiro’s daughter, Ava Sue, suffered a tragic accident just a day before her fourth birthday. While riding a sit-down scooter, she sustained severe injuries, including bruises, burns around her right eye, and significant scarring on her elbow and shoulder. Alfonso and his wife, Angela, expressed gratitude to Kare MD Skin Health for their quick response and surgical intervention to minimize scarring.

Angela had a motherly premonition, cautioning against activities that might lead to an emergency room visit, but tragically, Ava Sue fell off the scooter shortly after her warning. Dr. Raffy from Kare MD Skin Health determined the need for surgery. Despite the unfortunate circumstances, Ava Sue displayed incredible bravery.

Kare MD Skin Health wished Ava Sue a happy birthday on their Instagram and thanked Alfonso for entrusting her care to them.

Recovery Journey and Birthday Wishes

As Ava Sue continues her recovery journey, we send our heartfelt well wishes for a joyful and memorable birthday surrounded by love and support.