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In a recent pool tournament, female player Lynne Pinches took a courageous stand, refusing to compete against a transgender opponent, Harriet Haynes, born male. Pinches left the Women’s tournament, advocating for divisions based on biology rather than gender identity. Her brother, Barry Pinches, a professional pool player, supported her, emphasizing the unfairness of women competing against trans women in sports.

Barry stated, “I completely agree with her view that it is totally unfair to expect women to compete against trans women in pool or any other sport.” The controversy erupted when the governing body allowed trans women to participate, triggering opposition from biological females. Barry clarified that the resistance was about fairness, not hate, and highlighted the advantages male competitors have due to strength in a non-contact sport like pool.

Despite the drama, Harriet Haynes won the tournament by forfeit in the championship match. The governing body’s response to this situation remains uncertain, raising questions about how they will address the fairness concerns voiced by Pinches and other female players.
