Disturbing Discovery in Night Camera Footage

In bustling Manhattan, Joe Cummings noticed food disappearing from his apartment, suspecting his girlfriend. Confronting her yielded denial, prompting Cummings to set up a camera. To his shock, the footage revealed a stranger secretly living in his home, indulging in his provisions. Terrified, he called the authorities, leading to the discovery that she had been there for over two weeks.

The aftermath left Cummings disturbed, realizing an intruder had lived undetected. Grateful for the camera footage, he acknowledges its crucial role in accepting the surreal intrusion. The incident, captured on video, went viral, eliciting skepticism. Cummings defends the authenticity, standing by his cluelessness about her entry. Despite doubts, he expresses relief that the trespasser has been ousted from his life.

In Manhattan, Joe Cummings suspects his girlfriend of stealing food. Camera footage reveals a stranger living in his home for over two weeks. The aftermath leaves Cummings disturbed, grateful for the footage that captured the surreal intrusion. The incident goes viral, drawing skepticism, but Cummings defends its authenticity, relieved the intruder is ousted.