Legendary Hollywood Actor In Gray Shirt Rushes To Help Woman In Crashed Car

Actor Harrison Ford was photographed helping a woman after she veered off of a highway and crashed her car.

Harrison Ford Acts as Good Samaritan at Car Crash Scene

Rescuing a Driver

Harrison Ford, the iconic actor, demonstrated heroism on California State Route 126 when he witnessed a gray vehicle veer off the road. Ford, along with other drivers, promptly stopped to assist the woman behind the wheel. The sedan had overturned and collided with a tree.

Ford’s Samaritan Actions

Santa Paula Police Department Senior Officer Matt Alonzo revealed that Ford, traveling with a friend, acted as a good Samaritan. They rushed to the scene, where Ford, like everyone else, endeavored to help the injured woman. Together with other bystanders, Ford successfully extricated her from the wreck.

Ford’s Aviation Enthusiasm

While Ford’s recent heroic act gained attention, his love for aviation has also been notable. Leaving a small airport near Santa Paula, Ford, an aviation enthusiast, has encountered two plane incidents since 2015. In one incident, he flew over a commercial jet, and in another, he crash-landed at a golf course. Despite these incidents, Ford remains an avid pilot.

Ford’s Previous Acts of Assistance

This is not the first time Ford has lent a helping hand after a traffic accident. In a previous incident in New York City, he directed traffic following a crash that caused significant delays near the Midtown Tunnel. Although not involved in the collision, Ford’s willingness to assist in emergencies underscores his commitment to community well-being.