Paul Harvey made this forecast in 1965. Now hear His Terrifying Words…

Prophetic Warning by Paul Harvey: A 1965 Broadcast Revisited

In 1965, radio icon Paul Harvey delivered a chilling prophetic broadcast, reaching nearly 24 million listeners weekly for over four decades. Remarkably, his warnings have proven eerily accurate, resonating more than half a century later.

Harvey’s “If I were the Devil” speech, with its timeless relevance, delves into societal issues. He foretells a sinister strategy, stating, “If I were the Prince of Darkness, I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness.” Reflecting on the present, his words carry a haunting weight.

He begins with a campaign of subtle influence, whispering ideas to sow discord. “To the young, I would whisper ‘The Bible is a myth,'” he declares, illustrating the corrosion of values. His insights extend to societal divisions, debasing work ethics, and manipulating the vulnerable.

Harvey prophesizes a calculated attack on institutions, infiltrating education, media, and even religion. “I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies, and vice-versa,” he asserts, predicting a corrosive cultural influence. The separation of God from various spheres and the substitution of psychology for religion mark his vision.

Astonishingly, Harvey anticipates economic manipulation, advocating for wealth redistribution to quell ambition. His bleak forecast includes the disintegration of families and the imposition of a police state.

Listeners in the 70s, like the one reminiscing with their mom, attest to the accuracy of Harvey’s predictions. As we confront the present reality mirroring his words, Harvey’s prophetic broadcast remains a stark reminder of societal vulnerabilities.