Scientists Are Baffled After The Aliens’ DNA Tests Came Back

Mexico’s ‘alien’ saga deepens as DNA tests on tiny mummies discovered in Peru reveal perplexing results. Originally thought to be evidence of extraterrestrial life, the latest analysis suggests that 30% of the mummies’ DNA does not match any known human species, sparking speculation about a potential unknown Earthly species. Controversial UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan presented these findings to Mexico’s Congress, declaring the figures as “authentic” representatives of a new species. Another theory proposes that these beings could be human-made constructions using remains of extinct animals over 1,000 years ago, challenging the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

The mummies, named Clara and Mauricio, exhibit unique characteristics such as sturdy bones, lack of teeth, and implants made of rare Earth elements. Carbon dating indicates they are over 1,000 years old with three-fingered hands. While Maussan asserts their authenticity, he does not definitively claim they are extraterrestrial, emphasizing the need for further research. Medical experts from Peru support the creatures’ authenticity but stop short of declaring them extraterrestrial, suggesting they might be an evolved form of contemporary humans. However, skeptics propose that the mummies could be elaborate dummies crafted from animal remains over a millennium ago. As the mystery deepens, the ongoing investigation into these enigmatic figures promises to continue captivating the world, leaving more questions than answers.