A High School Football Team Decided To Take A Knee For The Anthem, So The Refs Taught Them A Lesson

High School Football Referees Walk Off Field in Protest

In a controversial move reminiscent of Colin Kaepernick’s NFL protest, Monroe High School football players recently took a knee during the national anthem to highlight issues of police brutality and racial injustice. However, this drew sharp criticism from those who view it as disrespectful to the flag and the military.

During a game, the referees, 54-year-old Ernie Lunardelli and 27-year-old Anthony Lunardelli, took their own stand by walking off the field. Ernie expressed his frustration, stating, “I’m not in favor of anyone disrespecting our country, our flag, the armed forces.” He believed the protest had strayed from its intended message and decided to counter-protest against what he perceived as disrespect.

This incident in New Jersey has reignited the debate surrounding the appropriateness of protests during the national anthem. The referees’ decision to leave the field underscores the deep divide over the issue, with some supporting the players’ right to protest and others emphasizing the importance of patriotism and respect for national symbols.

The controversy sheds light on the ongoing tension between those advocating for social justice and those defending traditional notions of patriotism, sparking discussions about the appropriate platforms for expressing dissent and the broader implications for freedom of expression in sports.