Dad and twin sons cut enough firewood to fill 80 trucks – donate it all to those who need it most

Shane McDaniel and his twin sons, Henry and Harrison, from Lake Stevens, Washington, embarked on a heartwarming project. Inspired by Shane’s childhood memories of harvesting firewood with his father, the family decided to cut storm-damaged wood and give it to those in need. Shane explained, “Once it got to be such an amount of wood, we decided we could do something better with it.”

From March to October 2018, the trio chopped enough firewood to fill 80 trucks. Shane reached out on Facebook, overwhelmed by their surplus. The response was immense, with people not only praising their generosity but also volunteering to distribute the firewood.

Shane shared, “It’s a pretty wonderful thing to see. You can just see this feeling of pride and sharing that I don’t think they had before. When you do good things for people, they don’t forget. I love helping people.” The family’s selfless act not only cleared wood but also warmed hearts in the cold Pacific Northwest, emphasizing the power of community compassion.