She’s already 21!”: how was the fate of “the girl on basketball

“The Inspiring Journey of Tsyan Hongyan: Triumph Over Adversity”

Inspirational figure Tsyan Hongyan, at the age of four, faced a life-altering car accident that cost her both legs. Hindered by financial constraints, her family couldn’t afford artificial limbs, prompting her grandfather to ingeniously use a basketball as her means of transportation, a sight that went viral on social media, dubbing her “the girl on basketball.”

Tsyan’s resilience shone through as she navigated school independently, albeit taking an hour instead of the usual seven minutes. At eight, governmental assistance provided her with artificial legs, enabling her to take her first steps and pursue her passion for swimming.

Overcoming hurdles, Tsyan’s dream of participating in the Paralympic games materialized in 2016. Today, she stands as a swimming champion with numerous medals, a testament to her unwavering determination. Her story serves as a beacon of hope for anyone facing adversity, reminding us all that with perseverance, we can overcome the seemingly insurmountable. As Tsyan herself declares, “After all, if she could find enough power to live and win, so can you.”