Cop Called To Home For Child Abuse, Kicks In Door, Finds Daughter

Police Officer Rescues Abused Toddler, Becomes Her Dad

Arizona police officer Lieutenant Brian Zach responded to a child abuse call, unknowingly entering a life-changing situation. Inside, he discovered a badly abused toddler named Kaila, her third reported case of abuse. Zach, a father-of-two, decided to take her to the station for care. “We watched ‘Wreck-It Ralph,’ and we just bonded,” he said. This bond led to a realization – Kaila would become part of his family.

Zach’s desire to provide a loving home wasn’t new, but this time, it became a reality. It took two and a half years, including Kaila’s evaluation by the Arizona Department of Child Safety, before the adoption in 2020. Zach and his wife Cierra faced challenges, acquiring essentials for Kaila. Despite the hurdles, they officially welcomed her into their family.

Reflecting on the transformative experience, Zach stated, “The best thing to come out of 2020 is the fact that we gained an official member of our family.” Cierra encouraged others to consider fostering and adoption, emphasizing the positive impact on children. The Zachs plan to renew their foster license and continue helping more kids. Kaila, now flourishing, expressed love for her new family. Officer Zach’s extraordinary compassion sets an inspiring example of love triumphing over adversity.