Great-grandmother, 105, breaks world record for fastest 100-meter run at US Senior Games

At 107 years old, Julia Hawkins, affectionately known as “the Hurricane,” has shattered records as the fastest centenarian in the 100-meter run at the Louisiana Senior Games. Back in 2021, at 105, she clinched the title, aiming to finish the dash in under a minute. Despite the windy and cold conditions, she crossed the line in just over 62 seconds, securing victory in the 105+ category.

Reflecting on her running journey, Hawkins shared, “When I started running, there were only a few, and they were not really athletes. Just older women trying to do something different. So I usually managed to beat the ones that weren’t really athletes.” Surrounded by former students cheering her on, the retired teacher embraced the joy of the race and the support of her extended family.

Beyond her running feats, Hawkins imparts wisdom gained from her 107 years, encouraging others to seek “magic moments” in life, like beautiful sunrises or shooting stars, emphasizing the value of observance over wealth. As she gracefully ages, she continues to find fulfillment in family, gardening, and treasured memories of her 70-year marriage.