Woman Is Going To Jail For A Long Time After What She Tried To Buy At Walmart

Woman Faces Jail Time After Attempting to Buy a Baby at Walmart

Rebecca Lanette Taylor, a 49-year-old woman from Crockett, Texas, entered her local Walmart with an unusual shopping list. While Walmart offers a wide range of products, Taylor sought something that couldn’t be found on the store’s shelves. She approached a mother and offered to pay cash for her baby.

The mother, with her baby and a one-year-old toddler, was at the self-checkout counter when Taylor approached. Taylor expressed her admiration for the baby’s features and inquired about a price. Initially taken as a joke, Taylor persisted and revealed she had $250,000 in her car for the transaction.

Despite the mother’s demand to back off, Taylor’s determination to acquire a baby remained unyielding. Eventually, the mother managed to leave the store with her children. However, Taylor pursued her and shouted across the parking lot, increasing her offer to $500,000 for the blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby, claiming she would take the child forcefully if necessary.

Alarmed by the situation, the mother promptly alerted the police about Taylor’s attempted purchase. Taylor was subsequently arrested on January 18, 2022, and charged with the sale or purchase of a child, a third-degree felony in Texas.

If convicted, Taylor could face up to ten years in a Texas corrections facility and a fine of up to $10,000. After being arrested, Taylor posted a $50,000 bond and was released.

During her interaction with the Houston County Sheriff’s Office, Taylor, who claimed to be an attorney, admitted wanting a child and offering to buy one for $500,000. Authorities suspect that this is not the first time Taylor has attempted to purchase a baby, and they are investigating two other reports. So far, no additional charges have been filed.

This disturbing and chilling incident could have had a vastly different outcome if the mother had agreed to sell her child. Fortunately, she was able to escape and report the incident to law enforcement.

Share your thoughts on this unsettling story and consider what you would do if you found yourself in a similar situation. Let us know your perspective in the comments below!