Mom Has ‘Normal’ Delivery Only To Have Doctor Yell Out That She Broke 50-Year Tradition

Modern childbirth, once private, is now often documented and shared on social media. Dara and Eric Crouch chose their skilled photographer friend, Neely Ker-Fox, to capture their second child’s birth. The Crouch family had a 50-year tradition of having only girls.

Dara believed she was having a girl due to her strong motherly instinct and decided not to learn the baby’s gender beforehand. However, a growing feeling suggested the baby might be a boy. When the big day arrived, Dara labored for four hours, and the doctor’s announcement surprised everyone—it was a boy!

Dara’s reaction was one of astonishment, exclaiming, “Oh my gosh! It’s a boy; I can’t believe it’s a boy!” Neely’s photos beautifully documented this significant moment, marking the end of the long-standing family tradition. They named their son Liam, embracing the change in tradition with immense happiness.