Rapist Collapses In Court When He Realizes What He May Have Contracted From His Victim

A British man who raped a woman while she slept faces five years and four months in prison. In a shocking twist, it was revealed in court that the rapist may have contracted HIV from the victim. When this news hit him, he collapsed in court.

The attacker, Thomas, knew the victim was unwell but didn’t know she had HIV when he raped her without protection. Thomas tried to avoid prison, citing heavy alcohol and drug use that night, which impaired his memory. He doesn’t deny the rape but claims he wasn’t sober.

Thomas entered the victim’s home without permission while she was asleep, but she woke up during the assault. He left after she froze.

Despite previous convictions, this was Thomas’s first sexual offense. He will be a registered sex offender for life. His lawyer mentioned his early substance abuse history and expressed his remorse. After the revelation about potential HIV infection, Thomas was sent for an HIV test, leaving the situation in his hands.